Previous given courses

Previous classes given at University of Rennes 1

From the most recent to the least recent.
  1. Software Engineering (in French, "Génie logiciel", Informatics).
    University of Rennes 1.
    Second semester, academic years from 2017-18 to 2020-21. Level 2 (B.Sc).
    This class was organized by Thomas Genet.
    Syllabus: full information can be found on Thomas Genet's webpage.

  2. Web programming (in French, "Programmation Web", Informatics).
    University of Rennes 1.
    Second semester, academic years from 2017-18 to 2019-20. Level 2 (B.Sc).
    This class was organized by Virginie Sans.
    Syllabus: full information can be found on Virginie Sans' webpage.

  3. Object Oriented Programming with Java (in French, "Programmation orienté à objets", Master BIG).
    University of Rennes 1.
    Second semester, academic years from 2014-15 to 2016-17. Level M1 (M.Sc).
    This class was organized in collaboration with Emmanuelle Becker.
    Syllabus: inheritance, advanced Java, implementation of Java applications with increasing complexity.

  4. Basis of Informatics (in French, "Initialisation aux systèmes et réseaux", Master BIG).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic years from 2013-14 to 2016-17. Level M1 (M.Sc).
    This class was organized in collaboration with Emmanuel Giudice.
    Syllabus: Introduction to Unix/Linux commands, bash scripting, text manipulation, makefile, archives, network tools, Apache, perl.

  5. Algorithms for sequence and structure analysis (in French, "Algorithmique des sequences et structures", Master BIG).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic years from 2013-14 to 2016-17. Level M2 (M.Sc).
    This class was organized in collaboration with Rumen Andonov and Pierre Peterlongo.
    Syllabus: graph algorithms, sequence alignment, distance geometry for structural biology.

  6. Operational Research (in French, "Recherche Opérationnelle", Master Miage).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic years from 2012-13 to 2015-16. Level M1 (B.Sc).
    This course was organized by Rumen Andonov.
    Syllabus: linear programming, simplex method, modeling, AMPL.

  7. Graph Algorithms (in French, "Algorithmique des Graphes", Informatics).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic years from 2012-13 to 2014-15. Level L3 (B.Sc).
    This course was organized by Rumen Andonov.
    Syllabus: shortest paths, spanning trees, scheduling.

  8. An introduction to Programming (in French, "Introduction à la Programmation", Informatics).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic years from 2012-13 to 2019-20. Level L1 (B.Sc.).
    This course was organized by Marc Christie and Kadi Bouatouch until 2017, and then by Patrick Derbez and Pierre-Alain Fouque.

  9. Programming 1 (in French, "Programmation 1", Informatics).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic year 2011-12. Level L3 (B.Sc).
    This course was organized by Mickael Foursov.
    Syllabus: Java, objected-oriented programming, inheritance, lists, binary trees.

  10. Applied Informatics (in French, "Informatique Appliquée", PCSTM).
    University of Rennes 1.
    First semester, academic year 2011-12. Level L2 (B.Sc).

    The main objective of the course is to present the basics of algorithmics. Typical problems in the fields of numerical analysis and operational research are studied with the aim of proposing some simple algorithms for their solution. Generally, the easiest algorithms for a given problem are considered in this course, and additional references are given to the students who are interested in learning more about the topic. Practical exercises are also proposed to the students (7 TPs).

École Polytechnique (Palaiseau, academic years 2008-10)

  1. Introduction to C++. École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. September 15th, 2009.

    In this lecture, the basis of the programming language are introduced. Part of the lecture is devoted to control structures, functions, programming paradigms (procedural and object-oriented programming), classes, inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions. Pratical examples are provided.

  2. Operational Research. École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. November/December, 2008.

    Visit the web site of the course (ISC610A).

    Syllabus: data mining, clustering, optimization, solution of the presented problems by AMPL.

    The slides of the lecture can be downloaded here: Data Mining and Clustering.
    It's a quick introduction to data mining, where the main focus is on clustering techniques. Part of the lecture is devoted to the so-called Proogle project, a sort of Google for projects, that I used as an excuse for presenting various clustering problems, that are necessary for the development of the considered project.

    The slides related to the three TDs are also available: TD3, TD4, TD5.

    Some of the exercises discussed during the lectures are available for download: TDs-exercises.tar.gz

Second University of Naples (Italy, academic years 2001-06)

  1. Informatics

    Given 4 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Course in Biology, as assistant.
    Syllabus: fundamentals of computer organization and architecture, introduction to the development of algorithms, use of Microsoft Office and basic use of Matlab for the visualization and analysis of biological data.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic year, from 2001/02 to 2004/05.

  2. Introduction to Numerical Methods for Optimization

    Given at the Second University of Naples, for the Masters in Mathematics and Mathematics and Informatics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: methods for solving unconstrained optimization problems.
    The course was taught as assistant in the academic year 2005/06 in the second semester.

  3. Parallel Computing

    Given 4 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Masters in Mathematics and Mathematics and Informatics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: methods and strategies for developing parallel software procedures for MIMD computers.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic year, from 2002/03 to 2005/06, in the first semester.

  4. Numerical Computations

    Given 4 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Masters in Mathematics and Mathematics and Informatics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: solution of linear systems by direct and iterative methods, data representation and interpolation, quadrature formulas, the C programming language.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic year, from 2002/03 to 2005/06, in the second semester.

  5. Introduction to Programming

    Given 4 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Masters in Mathematics and Mathematics and Informatics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: floating-point arithmetic, round-off errors and basic matrix computation.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic year, from 2002/03 to 2005/06, in the second semester.

  6. Introduction to Informatics

    Given 4 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Masters in Mathematics and Mathematics and Informatics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: basic informatics concepts and introduction to Fortran.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic year, from 2002/03 to 2005/06, in the first semester.

  7. Introduction to HTML

    Mini-course given 3 times at the Second University of Naples.
    Syllabus: introduction to the development of simple web pages by HTML.
    The mini-course was taught as teacher the academic years 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/2006.

  8. Computational Mathematics

    Given 2 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Master in Mathematics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: methods and strategies for developing parallel software procedures for MIMD computers.
    The course was taught as assistant in the academic years 2002/03 and 2003/04, in the first semester.

  9. Programming and Numerical Computations

    Given 2 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Master in Mathematics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: data representation, interpolation, quadrature formulas, direct and iterative methods for linear systems, solution of nonlinear equations, the C programming language, introduction to Matlab.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic years 2002/03 and 2003/04, in the second semester.

  10. Numerical Analysis

    Given 3 times at the Second University of Naples, for the Master in Mathematics, as assistant.
    Syllabus: computer architecture, floating-point arithmetic, round-off errors, basic linear algebra and introduction to Fortran.
    The course was taught as assistant every academic year, from 2002/03 to 2004/05, in the first semester.

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